Is the Future of Transport Becoming More Inclusive?

Will autonomous vehicles actually bridge the accessible transport gap—or could they make it worse?
Shape the Future of Air Travel Webinar

Take a look at the transformative session on flight accessibility with key experts Christopher Wood MBE, Martyn Sibley and David Dew-Veal.
In Conversation with Simon Minty

Take a listen to our latest podcast with disability advocate, TV personality, and consultant, Simon Minty.
Why We Have Disabled History Month

Disabled people have existed since the dawn of time.
Stay connected in winter: How WAV hire can benefit your mental wellbeing

How WAV hire can benefit your mental wellbeing
How a Community Can Save Disabled People

We have a tendency, no matter who we are, to take community for granted.
Partnering with personal injury lawyers

Here’s how we can support you and your clients with their personal injury claim.
5 myths about mobility vehicle hire

5 myths about mobility vehicle hire that we are happy to dispel.
What Accessibility Means to the Disabled Community

Accessibility makes people feel seen, heard, and welcomed.
Disabled Appropriation and Halloween

“Disability is not, and has never been, a costume.“